Barristers & Solicitors
Please be advised that De Roberto Legal will cease trading on 31 March 2025. For all Commercial, Criminal Compensation, Deceased Estates, BFA's and Wills & Estates inquiries, our lawyer will continue practice at Legato Law Pty Ltd. Please contact admin@legatolaw.com.au or visit www.legatolaw.com.au. We thank you for your support.
Unit 1/200 Winton Road,
Joondalup WA 6027
(08) 9301 0887

Joondalup lawyers

Commercial disputes
De Roberto Legal are able to provide you with representation and advice on a range of general commercial law matters and litigation in the Magistrates, District and Supreme Courts including but not limited to:
Mortgagee actions;
Debt recovery; and
Enforcement of contracts.
As a part of providing representation in these types of matters, we see it important to enter into dispute resolution negotiations so as to minimise the possible loss our clients may suffer as a result of engaging in what may often be a lengthy, complicated and expensive litigation.
Estate planning
De Roberto Legal provide fixed price estate planning services including drafting of Wills, enduring power of attorneys and enduring powers of guardianship documents. Don't get caught without a will and contact us today to sort your estate matters so that your loved ones do not have the stress of dealing with messy estate affairs.
Guarantee advice
If you are considering becoming a guarantor and require advice on your obligations under a deed of guarantee, we can assist you for a fixed price. Becoming guarantor is an important and onerous role to take on and you should be aware of your obligations before you sign any deed of guarantee and ensure that you sign freely and voluntarily. Many banks have now made it compulsory for guarantors to seek legal advice before they sign in order to protect themselves and also ensure the guarantor is aware of the role they are agreeing to undertake.
Commercial advice and transactions
If you have been presented with a contract to read and sign, ensure that you first seek legal advice about the effect of the document and your obligations arising out of same. We can provide this advice for a flat fee.
We also draft personalised binding contracts to ensure our client's interests are protected.
Deceased Estate matters
We are experienced in providing advice and representation for beneficiaries and executors (usually only one or the other because of potential conflicts of interest) of a deceased estate including making applications to the Supreme Court of WA and negotiating and liasing with parties to come to agreement on contested issues about the division of or administration of an estate (including Intestate estates).
Criminal law
We can assist you with your criminal proceedings to ensure you receive the best possible outcome. Being criminally charged can be a daunting and lengthy ordeal. At De Roberto Legal we will efficiently deal with your matters so that they are finalised at the earliest opportunity with as little stress for you.
Child protection matters
We can assist you with care and protection proceedings from liaising with the Department for Child Protection and Family Support, to attending Court for mentions, pre hearing conferences and Signs of Safety meetings. We will ensure your legal rights are preserved and your children remain safe and in the right care.
Family Law matters
De Roberto Legal can assist you with Family Court proceedings with respect to child dispute matters. Whether you are in need of a formal child related agreement or you need advice on your rights to see your children - we are happy to provide prompt assistance to ensure your needs and those of your children are met.
Violence Restraining Orders
Have you been abused? Have you been falsely alleged of abuse? You might just feel unsafe. We can assist you whether you are an applicant or respondent to ensure you are adequately protected or conversely, not unfairly bound by a VRO.
Criminal compensation
If you are a victim of crime and have an injury, you may be able to claim criminal injuries compensation (regardless of whether a person has been identified, charged or convicted of the offence). You can apply for compensation under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act and we are able to assist you.
Binding Financial Agreements
We assist clients who require Binding Financial Agreements with respect to domestic relationships including pre marriage and post separation. We ensure that your hard earnt assets are protected ensuring a smooth division of property should the worst come to fruition. We provide fixed fees.